Survivor 2013: Who Was Voted Off Tonight? Episode 5 Results

Survivor Blood Vs Water Episode 5

We’re back with another live recap of Survivor 2013 where we’ll find out who was voted off tonight. Will it be Tadhana or Galang facing a Tribal Council elimination this week? Yeah, that’s what I’m expecting too.

Before we can get to the next Immunity Challenge the three Redemption Island contenders will face off in a competition to build a bridge to safety. Literally. Too bad they passed on the opportunity to put together a puzzle that spells out Marissa’s catchphrase for Brad Culpepper.

CBS has teased us to get ready for another blindside at Tribal Council and there are arguments to make in both directions on which tribe that could be suggesting so let’s sit back, watch, recap, and discuss it through tonight’s Survivor.

Brad Culpepper arrives at Redemption Island and it greatly pleases Candice and John, but Brad profusely apologizes and even gives Caleb kudos on his move at Tribal Council. All the same, Candice is ready to play tough against him at their upcoming challenge.

As the competitors enter the arena Monica tears up and offers her spot to Brad, but he immediately declines. We get a quick exchange between Candice and Monica over Candice’s attitude toward Brad before the challenge kicks off.

Players have to disassemble their crate to create a bridge and then eventually a puzzle on the other end. Candice takes a huge lead in building her bridge. Brad and John are neck and neck.

Candice falls behind as John completes his first with Brad right behind him. Candice is several steps behind as the players start to work on finding their puzzle pieces. Brad is getting a lot of cheering and support from Galang as he continues to lead the race.

The balance shifts and John wins! Now it’s down to Brad and Candice. Sure enough, Brad Culpepper pulls off the second place win leaving Candice just a moment behind from completing. Now Jeff is talking to John about losing Candice.

Hmm, CBS told us one player would sacrifice their game for their loved one. That certainly implied John or Candice would go to let the other stay. But here instead it was just a simple case of Candice losing. Could we be in store for another surprise?

John gives Monica the Hidden Immunity Idol clue and Brad instructs her to throw it in the fire which she does.

It’s time for today’s Immunity Challenge. After four straight wins, can Tadhana finally steal away safety from Galang? Let’s find out.

Galang sits out Laura, Laura, and Monica. Kat says she does not want to sit out and she doesn’t. This challenge is “Slide Show” where the players go down a water slide, grab a ring, and toss it on a cross. First player to get their ring on the posts in each round wins their team a point.

Round 1: Caleb vs Gervase – Caleb / Tadhana gets a point.
Round 2: Hayden vs Tyson – Tyson / Galang gets a point.
Round 3: Katie vs Kat – Katie / Tadhana gets a point.
Round 4: Vytas vs Aras – Vytas / Tadhana gets a point.
Round 5: Ciera vs Tina – Tina / Galang gets a point.
Round 6: Caleb vs Tyson – Caleb / Tadhana gets a point.
Round 7: Hayden vs Gervase – Hayden / Tadhana gets a point!

Tadhana wins their very first challenge of the season! Congrats to Tadhana. They elect to take the steaks and vegetables in lieu of fishing gear. Galang will head to Tribal Council for the first time on Blood Vs Water.

Heading in to Tribal Council it looks like either Laura B. or Laura M. will be the next castaway to head to Redemption Island. We get the usually banter and then Jeff is off the tally the votes.

Vote 1: Laura B
Vote 2: Laura M
Vote 3: Laura M
Vote 4: Laura M
Vote 5: Laura M
Vote 6: Laura M

That’s five votes and that’s enough. Laura M is voted off Survivor tonight and sent to Redemption Island where she’ll compete against Brad and John to stay in the game.

What do you think of their choice tonight to blindside Laura M at their first Tribal Council on Survivor 2013?


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