Survivor 2014 Cagayan: Trish Arrives At Ponderosa

Last night on Survivor 2014, Trish was voted out 4-1 when even her closest ally, Tony, turned on her for a chance at the million dollars. Find out what Trish had to say when she arrived at Ponderosa.

Trish arrives at Ponderosa
Trish arrives at Ponderosa – Source: CBS

As soon as Trish left Tribal Council you could tell she was feeling better and ready to be out of the game. Meeting with the Survivor medical team we find out she’s lost just 10 pounds though she looks emaciated. She’s ready to be at Ponderosa and chowing down on some good food.

When Trish arrives at Ponderosa the rest of the Jury is less than thrilled to say hello. Then they hit her with a bombshell: Tony flipped. How did they figure that out?!

I couldn’t believe Tony flipped since he didn’t need to (Woo was the deciding vote), but I thought as long as Trish doesn’t realize because she didn’t see that last vote then Tony will keep her in his Survivor finale pocket. Maybe not.

Sarah says she could tell because he kept his eyes down after voting and they could hear him say his vote was strategic, not personal. Can the Jury always hear what the voters are saying? Yikes. Everyone agrees that Tony voted her out.

Once Trish realizes Tony voted her out she’s upset, but not terribly so. She’s more excited to have clean clothes, food, and a shower. Of course that just upsets LJ and Jeremiah who desperately wish they had a shot to get back in the game.

Watch Trish’s full Ponderosa video below and see what you think.

Trish Arrives At Ponderosa – Survivor Cagayan:


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