Survivor 2015 Episode 12 ‘Tiny Little Shanks’ Photo Gallery

Kimmi and Kelley watch the Survivor challenge
Kimmi and Kelley watch the Survivor challenge – Source: CBS

It was an emotional episode of Survivor Second Chance as the final eight castaways were reunited with their loved ones and a castaway faced a game-ending medical situation.

First up was the reward challenge that went to Kelley Wentworth after she was the first to get the puzzle assembled, sending her and four others to a cookout lunch with their family members.

At the immunity challenge the castaways had to maintain their balance of a tall pole and statue atop it. Kelley again scored a win but it was the face-off between Joe and Keith that lasted over 80 minutes before Joe collapsed and with it his chances in the game.

At Tribal Council the votes appeared to be going between Abi and Joe, but there was a stray Tasha vote tossed in there too by Keith. Go figure that one. It was the end of the road for Joe who appeared to have one very difficult road ahead of him if he was going to reach the finale. Now he’ll be there from the Jury side of things.

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Source: CBS


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