Survivor 2015: Lindsey Cascaddan ‘Day After’ Interview

Lindsey Cascaddan says she wasn’t surprised to be the first person voted off the Blue Collar tribe, but she remains very positive about her experience on Survivor 2015 and what she’ll take back to her real life.

Lindsey Cascaddan 'Day After' interview
Lindsey Cascaddan ‘Day After’ interview – Source: CBS/YouTube

It took four rounds before we saw a Blue Collar tribe member eliminated which is an impressive run, but unfortunately for Lindsey she fell just short of surviving her tribe’s existence to the shuffle that came right after her departure. With just Sierra by her side when it came time to vote the numbers were too much to overcome and was sent home last night in the tie-breaker vote.

Lindsey says her confidence was her downfall when she started to feel too safe. While that confidence helps her life back home it was a stance she shouldn’t have been so quick to bring with her to the Survivor beaches.

Cascaddan is pleased with her game because she came in to Survivor 2015 with a plan and ditched it to just be herself. She says that when the stress of the game hits you it dissolves those facades and leaves everyone with just how they really are. Unfortunately for Lindsey that put her at odds with Rodney Lavoie who remains in the game.

Watch Lindsay Cascaddan’s “Day After” interview to hear what else she had to say.


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