Survivor 2016: Elisabeth Markham ‘Confessional’ Exit Interview

In lieu of a “Day After” interview we’re getting the post-Tribal Council “Confessional” exit interview for Elisabeth Markham who was voted off Survivor last night following Chan Loh’s narrow loss at the Immunity Challenge.

Elisabeth Markham gives her "Confessional" interview on Survivor
Elisabeth Markham gives her “Confessional” interview on Survivor – Source: CBS/YouTube

It’s a very interesting interview for a few reasons. Unlike the next morning, emotions can still be pretty raw at this point, and Elisabeth herself seems to be about as robotic as you can get for this situation. I wouldn’t even say her emotions are raw, more like her computational data instead.

Elisabeth felt pretty good going in to the Tribal Council but realized about twenty minutes before the big event that things might not go her way when Joseph became “shifty.” She figured Joe and Debbie were together but that Peter would end up being their target instead.

Debbie ranks top on Elisabeth’s potential meter for going far in the game and believes she’s the “most convincing liar” and underrated.

It was still too early for Elisabeth to figure out what exactly went wrong, but she’s okay with the disappointing early elimination and says she’ll look forward to the next opportunity in life.

Elisabeth Markham Confessional Survivor interview:


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