Survivor 2012 One World Finale Tonight

Survivor 2012 Final Five

Tonight is the big night. It’s Survivor One World finale Sunday and like the CBS promos say, girl power dominates for the first time in Survivor history.

The all-female final five will face three tribal councils in two hours to be named the ultimate Survivor. Following the two-hour finale at 8 pm, the Survivor One World reunion starts at 10 pm.

So who will become the ultimate Survivor? Kim, Christina, Chelsea, Sabrina or Alicia? The entire 2012 season has been hinting at one outcome and one outcome alone.  And that’s that the $1 million will be going in Kim’s pocket. Could we see a shakeup? Could we get our first actual shocking moment of the season? Or will the finale play out like everyone expects, just like the rest of this season? Let’s all cross our fingers for some excitement for a change.

Check back later tonight for our live finale results and a little later for a complete recap of the show.

Who do you want to win Survivor 2012?


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