Survivor Spoilers: Does John Sacrifice His Game For Candice?

Survivor 2013: John competes at Redemption Island

Tonight’s Survivor results have already been spoiled at least in part by CBS’s own episode description. Read no further if you want to remain surprised at what might be set to happen during tonight’s Blood vs Water episode.

According to CBS, “One castaway sacrifices their life in the game for a loved one.” Considering there aren’t any loved ones on the same tribe I think we can eliminated some sort of situation at Tribal Council which leaves us with the Redemption Island challenge.

John and Candice will compete again to stay in the game but this time they’ll have to contend with Brad instead of Marissa. From the sound of it Brad won’t be the player coming in last so either John or Candice would be cut from the game. So who will it be?

After John declined to give up his spot for Candice on his tribe we saw a lot of regret from him over the choice. I’m guessing he won’t let that happen again. In that case watch for Brad to win at Redemption Island and John to throw his challenge.

What do you think will happen? Is it more likely for Candice or John to give up to save the other tonight on Survivor?


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