Survivor Samoa: The Laura/Brett Factor

It has come to my attention in the last couple of days by missyae that Laura and Brett were acquantainces prior to being on Survivor Samoa.  Apparently they attend the same church in Salem, Oregon.  I have a real problem with this.  It puts a whole new perspective on the game for me because not only did CBS cast both of them but they put them on the same team.  Can you say unfair advantage??  It is also possible that Dave knew both of them previously but this has not been confirmed.  Now I totally understand why Brett and Dave were so ready to pick the stones and help Laura.  I wonder if the other contestants knew about this?  If I were on the show and found out later that they knew each other you can bet that I would be raising all kinds of hell.  The only upside is that neither of them won or even made it to the final 3.  I am not happy with this and hope in future seasons of Survivor we will not see this kind of underhanded bs by the production team.

What is everyone’s opinion on this and do you think it caused Laura and Brett to have an advantage over the other players?


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