HALLELUJAH!  Finally the tribes come together and the real action can begin!  I have been looking forward to this since day 1.  Since Foa Foa could never win anything, we don’t know the contestants on Galu at all.  We have only really seen Shambo because she visited Foa twice. 

So what is in store for all of us on Thursday?  Each tribe will receive treemail in what appears to them to be a reward challenge and they are sent to crates on the beach where they find new buffs and a message telling them they have merged!  There is still speculation as to which tribe is chosen but if I were to guess then I would have to say that Galu would be the best because of the tarp and the two tree holes.  The four remaining Foa members must be ecstatic to unite with everyone else.  Yes Mick looks incredibly happy in this picture!

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 On to the immunity challenge!  This week it is called “Nut Cracker” and takes place two days after the merge.  They say it resembles skee-ball with a baseball bat.  Points are awarded for hitting the ball various distances from the tee and into the net.  Who wins?  I don’t know yet but if I find out anything before the show, I will update.      So who is voted out this week?  In the previews we see the former members of Galu turn against each other.  John and Eric want Monica gone.  Shambo wants Laura to get the boot and vice versa and Kelly is targeting Erik.  My source says that Erik gets the most votes to evict however no one knows if he uses the immunity idol or not.  If he does then I don’t know who will go but if he thinks he is safe and doesn’t use it then I’m afraid he will be the one to go. 

I have an early prediction for the final 3 so if you don’t want to know then don’t read past this point:

Russell, Mick and Natalie!  This is in line with Natalie winning Survivor Samoa.  I will keep you informed.  If this turns out to be true then the final 3 will all be members of Foa Foa.  I guess they aren’t such losers after all.  :)  I’m happy with this news.  The members of Foa are my favs except John only because he is good eye candy! :razz:


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