Survivor 2012 Episode 7 Recap: One World Again

Survivor One World Christina Kim ChelseaSurvivor One World Christina Kim Chelsea

Last night on Survivor One World, we got our first taste of the merged tribes and life without Colton. And I must say, it was almost as messy and tragic if none of the things that happened last week happened.

The new tribe, deemed Tikiano, not only bickered most of the episode, they sent home yet another person they shouldn’t have. It was as if they were channeling Colton. I’ll get to that later.

At the top of the show, we’re tipped off right away that no one was actually ready for the Survivor 2012 merge. They’re all back together and sharing one camp and basically no one is happy about that.

At the reward challenge, the tribe splits into two tribes just for the challenge. One one team it’s Leif, Kim, Kat, Michael, Tarzan and Jonas. On the other we’ve got Jay, Chelsea, Alicia, Sabrina, Troyzan and Christina. With Jay and Michael split up, it’s anyone’s game.

The tribes are playing for pizza, cold beer and a secret note. The team with Jay and Chelsea on it wins. After they have some pizza and beer they read the note. It’s not very shocking news as they learn there’s another immunity idol hidden at their camp and only the six of them have to know about it.

For some reason, Tarzan and Jonas decide they hate each other and set the tone for the rest of the episode as they bicker and Tarzan spouts off a bunch of gibberish and threatens to go rogue. But somewhere along the way, Tarzan’s hatred for Jonas catches on with the others.

Troyzan was the only one in his reward challenge group smart enough to get up early and search for the secret immunity idol and he finds it. So he’s safe this week for sure.

Speaking of immunity, it’s time for the main challenge. The castaways have to balance some balls on a disc. The last person standing wins immunity. So it’s a challenge of balance and endurance.

Tarzan is the first person out, followed by Christina. Michael is next and then Chelsea. Kim, Alicia and Jay are out next. Jonas is next out followed by Sabrina and Leif. Troyzan and Kat remains. Kat is out next, making Troy the winner. So he has both the immunity idol and the immunity challenge win. He’s safe for a two weeks at least.

Back to the war between Tarzan and Jonas. Everyone else is starting to get on the same page as Tarzan and might be sending Jonas home. They think he’s too smart. Which is a lame reason. Tarzan is giving Jonas a run for his money though with his poopy laundry and overall annoyances. A couple people start tossing around Tarzan’s name for elimination. I think that idea would probably be a better one. But what do I know.

At Tribal Council Jonas and Tarzan continue to bicker and it gets pretty intense at times. When it comes time for the vote, Michael gets two (Jonas and Leif) while all the others go to Jonas. So he’s the next to be voted off. And like I said earlier (and what Jeff kind of touched on as well), sending Jonas home was such a dumb move. It’s so obvious the gender alliances aren’t going to break, so the men should probably stick together.

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