Survivor 2012 One World finaleSurvivor 2012 One World finale

It’s time to find out who won Survivor 2012 One World. When tonight’s show begins we’re left with just five castaways but by the end of the night there will be only one Survivor! The only thing we know so far: it’s going to be a woman.

The first challenge of the night is for immunity. Castaways will start with a knot challenge that leads to a balance beam maze requiring a complete start-over if they fall off. From there they’ll have to collect bags of puzzle pieces to get another combination lock code and unlock immunity.

Alicia is the first through the maze with Chelsea right behind her. They were the last two through the knot challenge, so leading didn’t help them. Chelsea is the first to the final puzzle with her parts while Alicia ends up second to last there after screwing up the parts collection. Kim is the first through the puzzle, but she still has to figure out the clues to unlock immunity. After several failed attempts and a close race with Chelsea and Alicia the win goes to Kim, her third of the season.

Heading to tribal council things are up in the air. The outcome looks to be in Kim’s hands. When Jeff reveals the votes it’s close. Chelsea receives two votes. Alicia receives three votes. Alicia is eliminated and we have our Final Four. We don’t get to see for sure who voted against who, but the camera is slow to cut away and we can see Christina makes a long first swipe with her pen rather than a curve. Looks like Christina may have saved Chelsea’s hide while Kim actually voted against her.

The next big challenge is a hard one for sure. The remaining castaways have to carefully navigate an easily toppled structure while stacking bowls. This looks nearly impossible, but I guess it’s not. Sure enough, Kim is leading by just a little with Christina right behind her and Chelsea in third. Jeff points out Sabrina isn’t even a competitor in this one since she’s so far back. No surprise here to see Kim win yet again. She’s certainly earned her ticket to the end.

At tribal council we find a resigned Christina who is ready to “roll over and die” as it’s stated. She didn’t even try to rally votes to stay. Now we’ll see if Kim has changed her mind to keep Christina. Nope, they stick to the plan. By a vote of 3-1 (Sabrina received Christina’s vote), Christina is eliminated. The final three castaways are Kim, Sabrina, and Chelsea. Now we’ll see what the jury thinks who should win the $1 million prize.

I’ll save the details for Branden’s recap, but there’s a lot of frustration in the jury but also a lot of respect. Perhaps the most bizarre was Alicia’s delusional rant that she was a “queen” in the game with her own “pawns” versus Kim and hers. She really seems to think she played a powerful game. Ah well. Tarzan has a nice speech about his wife and doesn’t bother to ask any questions. Plenty of other moments to see, but you’ll have to watch it to enjoy them.

Shifting to the live portion of the Survivor 2012 finale we’re about to hear the jury’s votes.

Survivor 2012 One World Jury Votes:

  • Kim
  • Sabrina
  • Kim
  • Sabrina
  • Kim
  • Kim
  • Kim

Kimberly Spradlin, the bridal shop owner from San Antonio, Texas has just won Survivor One World!

The “fan favorite” vote also goes to Kim which raises her cash prize to $1.1 million.

Published by
Matt Boyer

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