Survivor 2012 Philippines Episode 7 Recap: The Merge


It was merge night on Survivor Philippines, which means that the original Tandang Tribe finally had to go to Tribal Council and Denise had to go to the seventh one in a row.

At the start of the episode, the Tandang Tribe spies a boat and once it approaches shore, they’re given the message that the tribes are merging and they have 10 minutes to get their stuff, board the boat and head to their new home. Kalabaw gets the same deal and everyone is on their way to their new home as the Dangrayne Tribe.

Some of the players are just meeting each other for the first time, which always seems odd. I mean they’ve played challenges together but never really talked, so it’s so strange. So everyone is getting acquainted and sizing one another up and Lisa is playing mom and decides to do hang up everyone’s clothing to dry out and she finds Malcom’s hidden immunity idol.

Malcom quickly realizes that she may be onto him, so he pulls her aside to discuss it. Lisa promises she was not looking for anything, but was just trying to be helpful. He believes her and lets her know that only the two of them and Denise know about the idol. They strike up a little deal and Lisa agrees to keep his secret.

A little later, Lisa and Penner talk about Lisa’s little secret. He asks if anyone knows about her past as a child actress and she assures him no one does. Of course Penner has been an actor, too, so I’m not sure why it would matter that Lisa was an actor but not Penner? Weird.

Penner then has a talk with Skupin about how they can survive the game as returning players since they’ve had targets on their backs since day one. It appears that they plan to work together to keep each other in the game…

At the immunity challenge, it’s the first time players will be getting individual immunity. The last man and last woman standing in the endurance challenge wins the immunity. Here’s how the challenge played out (in order of elimination):

  • Skupin
  • Pete
  • Penner
  • Lisa
  • Malcom
  • RC
  • Abi
  • Denise wins immunity as the last woman standing
  • Artis
  • Jeff
  • Carter wins immunity as the last man standing

The talk about who is in danger this week is kind of all over the place as no one real knows what’s going on. Even at tribal council no one seems to really know what to expect. Jeff sends them off to vote and once that’s done, he asks if anyone has an immunity idol they’d like to play. Penner knows the target is on his back, so he pulls out his hidden immunity idol. Any votes for him will not count. And that’s a good thing because he ended up getting five votes, including one from Skupin.

Pete gets two votes and R.C. ends up with four. She becomes the seventh person voted out and the eight person to leave the game.

What did you think of this week’s Survivor Philippines? Who do you see poised to win this thing at the moment?


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