Survivor 2012 Philippines Recap: Matsing Loses Again


This week’s episode of Survivor Philippines opened on the Matsing Tribe feeling defeated the day after their last trip to Tribal Council. It must be hard to swallow, losing the challenge (and a tribe mate) three weeks in a row. Things then started to look up as they vowed to make the best comeback in Survivor history.

Over at the Tandang camp, Pete has planted some chaos among his tribe. That’s all part of his game play. He wants to keep everyone confused and on their feet so they can play his game instead of their own, he says. So what did he do? He planted the immunity idol clue so that Abi and RC will freak out on each other. And it works perfectly. They go from a touch alliance of two to basically sworn enemies. Good gameplay, Pete.

Meanwhile, the Kalabaw Tribe is shifting. Jeff, realizing that Jonathan has the idol, has decided to change his focus from getting the veteran player out to aligning with him. Along for the ride is Carter. And left out in the cold are the girls. But of course they can just form their own alliance and be three strong when the merge comes. If they can wait it out.

At the immunity challenge, the tribes were faced with an obstacle course that ended with smashing pots of rice. The winner of the challenge not only gets immunity, but steaks, spices and veggies. Second place gets salt, pepper, veggies and a pot to cook in. Or they can trade it for a tarp.

Challenge Results

  • 1st: Tandang
  • 2nd: Kalabaw
  • Last: Matsing

Matsing loses AGAIN. And that’s after they were in the lead for most of the game. Malcom was a bit slow on the last part and couldn’t break the pots fast enough, so Jeff caught up, giving the Kalabaw Tribe the second place finish.

At tribal, it’s pretty obvious what’s about to happen. Malcom and Denise are solid and Russell has been the tribe’s biggest problem all along. By a vote of 2-1, Russell is the fourth person voted off Survivor Philippines.

What did you think of this week’s Survivor 2012? Did you expect Matsing to go to tribal yet again?

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