Survivor 2013 Caramoan: Episode 5 Results

Gota tribe on Survivor 2013Gota tribe on Survivor 2013

Tonight on Survivor we’re back to the grind with that grind being the slow destruction of the Gota tribe. Can they pull out of this tale spin or will things continue to crash and burn for the orange-tagged tribe. If what we were promised in some early promos the real fun might be coming out of Bikal with yet another Hantz family patented meltdown. We shall see.

Sure enough, we learn that Brandon is considering bailing on the game because he feels bad about leaving his two babies at home. Wait. Two babies? Okay, anyway. The Bikal tribe isn’t taking this well so we’ll have to wait and see what it means for this first challenge coming up. Oh, wait hold that thought. Brandon has decided to play hard after all.

And now on to the first challenge, Nut Bucket, for a luxury item, meat and veggies. Who will take back the prize? Andrea, Dawn, and Eric sit out for Bikal as they’re up three players while Gota needs every one of theirs. Michael and Matt hold up the ropes for their team while Brandon and Phillip are supporting the Fav’s buckets.

Brandon is getting heavily targeted by the Fans and is the first to fall on Survivor 2013 tonight. Matt falls next for the Fans and leaves Michael and Phillip as the last two “holders.” This looks brutal, but Phillip refuses to acknowledge how difficult this must be. Sure enough, the Favs get the gold and leave the Fans hungry as they take back the food prizes.

Back at the Gota tribe everyone is freaking out and looking for the Hidden Immunity Idol since Reynold playing it last week. What everyone can agree on is that they don’t want Reynold to find it. Guess what? Reynold finds it. Again. But this time he’s going to keep his mouth shut since the tribe targeted him once they knew he had it.

As we prepare for the next challenge Phillip starts a rumbling that he’s going to throw the challenge for a chance to eliminate Brandon from the competition. Andrea immediately runs back and tells Brandon to watch out for Phillip. Drama, drama, drama, but will it make a difference at the comp? Let’s find out.

The tribes arrive for the Immunity Challenge and it doesn’t last long. The Favs default and forfeit Immunity so they can head straight to Tribal Council and vote Brandon off Survivor tonight. You see, Brandon dumped Bikal’s rice and beans in the sand before the challenge. Bye, Brandon.

In an interesting move, Jeff announces Tribal Council will be held right there on the playing field. Jeff, while massaging Brandon’s shoulders, asks for a verbal vote. Brandon votes against Phillip while everyone else votes against Brandon. And like that it’s done. Jeff sends Brandon immediately off the field to cool down and he’s out of the game.

Dear, CBS. Stop. Casting. Any. Hantz. It’s disgraceful and pathetic.

Published by
Matt Boyer

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