Survivor Nicaragua Winner: Judson Birza aka Fabio Is Sole Survivor

Survivor 2010 winner Judson BirzaSurvivor 2010 winner Judson Birza

WOW the person I pulled for most of the season was crowned the Survivor Nicaragua winner.  When the votes were tied at four a piece I was nervous but what a comeback Judson Birza had to win it all!  Winning three immunity challenges in a row when he needed them the most sealed his fate.  Well that along with all the backstabbing done throughout the game by Chase and Sash lol. 

The disdain the jury felt towards Sash was fun to watch.  It was nice to see him actually have to squirm a little lol.  For some reason the little girls on the jury had too much jealousy to vote for a MAN younger than them.  And yes Fabio is a man, Alina.  What a biatch in her slam at the end towards Fabio.  If I was out there with her prissy ass I’d have gone off big time!!

NaOnka is having some trouble in her teaching job with parents calling not wanting their kids in her class.  Hmmm who didn’t see that one coming?  Of course they don’t want you near their kids!  There’s no way I’d want my kids around her but hey maybe she is a different person in real life…NOT! LOL

Final thoughts on the reunion: Jane won fan favorite by the largest majority ever.  WOW!  She was one tough cookie.  I wouldn’t want to go against her lol.  Shannon was STILL running his mouth and being a total you know what.  He couldn’t even say something nice at the reunion?  What a loser!  

The twist for Survivor 22 was revealed tonight and showed us Redemption Island, a place where those who are voted out of the game are sent.  When one is voted out they are sent to this Island and await for the next person to voted out.  The two then square off and fight it out and the winner moves on to wait on the next player.  Whomever is left at the end gets to come back in the game for another shot at the million.  That’s not a terrible twist but more than likely the person that comes back will get voted out immediately unless they win immunity.  No mention of the Rob and Russell showdown.

Join us for the action in February and have a safe and happy holidays!! Sign up for the free email updates and you’ll get the new Season 22 details as soon as they’re released. In the meantime, join other Survivor fans on Facebook.

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