Survivor Philippines Episode 6 Recap: A Muddy Deal


Things are getting weird  on Survivor Philippines. People are making weird deals, Blair from The Facts of Life is mud-wrestling and for some reason rice is greater than sandwiches and potato chips.

Ahead of any weirdness, however, we learn that both tribes are ready to ditch the returning players. Skupin is eating all his tribe’s rice and Penner is just feeling like too much of a threat to the Tandang Tribe.

And then Penner and Skupin strike up the deal that will shape the rest of the episode. During the reward challenge, the players have to play soccer with a giant wicker ball in a field of mud. It’s basically just one big weird mud-wrestling porn though. We get Skupin sitting on Penner. Pete and Carter rubbing mud all over each other. Blair is being pulled around in the mud by Denise.

So that competition is going no where. No one is scoring because the ball isn’t going. They’re basically just holding each other back. After an hour-long test of endurance instead of a simple little soccer game, they strike up a deal. Skupin and Penner decide that if Kalabaw gives Tandang all of their rice, they can have the win. Oh, I almost forgot! The prize is a picnic of sandwiches, potato chips, brownies, soda and things of that nature in a dry hut.

So the tribes agree on that really stupid deal and the only person with half a brain to fuss about it is Arlis. He should win player of the week for not being OK with this deal alone.

Kalabaw heads off to their picnic and Penner promises them they will be able to catch fish the next day when they realize they have zero food left. But at least they’ll get their stomachs full for the day. Oh, and they also get surprise letters from home. So the deal was probably worth it to them in the end.

But the real short-end of the stick went to Tandang. Especially when it’s realized that even with Kalabaw’s rice, they only have enough food for a couple of days. Doh!

The next day, however, Tandang is filled up on rice and ready for the immunity challenge, while the Kalabaw members are starving and whining. The sandwiches from the day before didn’t go as far as they’d hoped.

At the immunity challenge, the teams have to launch balls at each others and the first team to catch five wins. Simple. Jeff leads the Kalabaw to four catches and Malcom basically catches all the rest, giving Tandang another win. So Kalabaw will head off to Tribal Council again. I’m starting to think maybe Denise is the kiss of death. She has been to tribal every single week since the show started.

So before the head off to Tribal, Carter and Jeff are deciding what to do. They’re tossing around Penner and Katie’s name. They realize Katie is the weakest player, but this could be the chance to get Penner out with a blindside. It sounds like they might be ready to get Penner out, but then they head to Tribal Council and that’s not what happens at all.

By a vote of four to one, Katie is kicked off Survivor Philippines.

It would’ve been the perfect chance to blindside Penner. He wasn’t even going to use his hidden immunity idol. For some reason they decided Katie was the better choice.

What did you think of the episode and the outcome?



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