Survivor Results: Who Won Survivor 2013 Blood Vs Water?

Survivor 2013 Blood Vs Water season finaleSurvivor 2013 Blood Vs Water season finale

Who will win Survivor 2013 Blood Vs Water? We’re set to discover who will be the season’s Sole Survivor when the remaining castaways are whittled down to a final three and sit before the Jury in a battle for their votes. We’ve got a long night before that reveal though.

Tonight’s Survivor will kick off a three-hour event with a two-hour episode followed by a one-hour reunion event. We’ll be here live blogging the whole thing so get that discussion going in the comments section!

The last members of Kasama will watch as either Hayden, Tina, or Laura M wins their way out of Redemption Island and rejoin them in the center ring. We’ve already taken a look at the last Redemption Island challenge and this one will be a definite endurance challenge. From there those five players will face a puzzle-based Immunity Challenge and then on to one heck of a final Immunity Challenge.

Stick with us as we update this post with the latest news, updates, and results throughout tonight’s big finale as we find out who won Survivor!

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Tyson, Monica, Gervase, and Ciera arrive back at Kasama’s camp and all is calm. Tyson decides to reveal his Hidden Immunity Idol to Monica and Gervase to gain more trust and confidence. He says he won’t be using it and offers it to Monica as a memento to take with her.

Redemption Island’s Hayden, Tina, and Laura receive notice that they’re heading to the very last RI duel where one of them will get back in the game. Let’s see who can win it!

Each of the three players will balance a ceramic vase on the opposite side of a long board. Last player with their vase in the air will win the competition.

Laura is already wobbling while Tina and Hayden keep their boards calm and steady. After 15 minutes it gets very, very wobbly for Laura but she manages to recover. Then out of nowhere Hayden drops his! He is out. Hayden was just eliminated.

Laura continues to struggle while Tina looks rock steady. Laura begs for Tina to let her have this (are you serious, Laura??) but Tina says no way.

Tina wins! Laura stumbled and couldn’t recover. Laura is out and Tina is back in the game! Congrats to Tina.

Jeff says goodbye to Hayden and Laura. Laura is emotional and says she feels like a failure after not being able to win when it mattered most. Ciera tells Laura she is proud of her and they cry. Okay, enough of that. Jeff hands Tina the clue and she tucks it away to keep for herself.

Back at the Kasama camp we have the new Final Five: Tina, Tyson, Monica, Gervase, and Ciera.

Tina immediately goes looking for the Hidden Immunity Idol that isn’t there anymore. Ciera tells Tina that Tyson might already have it (he does). They decide to work on Monica instead. Tina goes rough on Monica telling her the Jury hates her while Ciera ties a softer approach.

Immunity is up for grabs! Wow, this looks hard. Players have to balance a board and work their way down a rope while keeping the board level. If they tip over balanced blocks on their board then they have to stop and come back while putting down any blocks they might have in their hands. Today is all about balance!

Lots of falling over for each player. Tyson is just a touch ahead of the rest. He’s got seven of his ten blocks. Now Monica has seven, but Tyson gets up to eight right behind her.

Tyson is down to one block left and keeps slowly working his way forward. Oh he’s close! Gervase is rushing to get his ninth as Tyson closes in on Immunity. Yes! Tyson wins Immunity!

The Final Five prepares for another vote at Tribal Council. Someone will be going home with no Redemption Island safety net, but it won’t be Tyson.

Back at the camp the alliance of Tyson, Gervase, and Monica is trying to debate whether to send home Tina or Ciera. Gervase is pushing hard for it to be Ciera, but Monica wants Tina out. Monica gets so worked up that she floats the idea of joining the other women and voting out Gervase. I think we’re in for another head fake from Monica like we saw last week…

At Tribal Council we get a big speech from Monica that this is her time to make a move for herself and no one else. Gervase is scared, but I’ll be surprised if she moves against him after everything.

Jeff tallies the votes… He asks if anyone wants to play an Immunity Idol. Tyson hands the Idol to Gervase who immediately plays it.

Jeff reveals the votes: Gervase, Gervase, Ciera, Ciera. That’s enough. Ciera has been voted off Survivor. In the playback of votes we see that Monica did indeed vote out Ciera. Told ya!

The Survivor Blood Vs Water Final Four is Tyson, Tina, Gervase, and Monica.

Immunity is back up for grabs! A win here guarantees a seat before the Jury.

Players will race across an obstacle course where they’ll collect bags holding puzzle pieces. They’ll bring the bags to the top of the platform, drop them off, and slide down a giant water slide to go get the other bags. Once they get all the bags they’ll assemble a puzzle revealing the combination to a lock to raise their flag.

Monica and Gervase are the first two back at the top while Monica does her best to block Gervase from passing her. They continue to lead as Tina trails.

Monica and Tyson grab their fourth bags. Gervase is just a step behind. Tina still needs her fourth.

It’s still Monica in the lead with Tyson just behind her. Tina is a good bit behind, but the puzzle portion could equalize the race.

Tyson arrives first at the puzzle, then Gervase, and then Monica. Tina is way behind.

Tyson solves his puzzle first but he still needs to decipher the combination code and he jumps off the slide. I guess he needs the number of steps. Yep, that was it. Tyson wins Immunity! He’s got this game, right?

Someone is about to be voted off (Tina). We don’t know who (Tina), but someone (Tina) will be voted out. Let’s find out! (Tina)

We’re watching them get ready for another vote-out and once again we’ve got Monica doing her “I’m really mad and I’m thinking of voting out Gervase.” She’s not going to do it. Stop being such a poor liar, Monica!

The Final Four heads in to Tribal Council and we get the usual smack talk from Monica about her big move (that she’s not going to do). They head to vote and Jeff tallies.

Jeff reveals the votes: Tina, Tina, Gervase, & Tina. Tina is eliminated from Survivor.

The Survivor Blood Vs Water Final Three: Tyson, Gervase, and Monica.

It’s time for the Final Three to sit before the Jury and get their butts handed to them.

Gervase says he deserves to win because he came back from a thirteen year gap and made it to the end. Monica says she made those tough decisions each week on who was best for her to sit next to. Tyson tears up and says he was driven by seeing his girlfriend eliminated and no move was made out of malice.

Vytas tells Tyson he promised him he’d lose his vote if he voted him out. Vytas says he’ll keep that promise. Bitter juror.

Katie debates Tyson for his “no malice” claim after he told her to get to the Jury after she drew the one bad rock. He says he regrets it and apologizes.

Caleb asks Gervase to name his big move of the season. Gervase says it was going after Aras. Monica cries to Caleb and says in her 21 years with Brad that it has never for one day been about her and this is her one chance at something about her. Yikes. Great relationship she’s got there with her husband if she really thinks that…

Ciera wants to know how Tyson feels about being labeled a Villain. He says his moves were strategic and always calculated. Gervase says he stayed with Tyson instead of voting him out because he thinks he can beat him.

Laura comes after Monica and gets more tears from her and we hear more about this being Monica’s time.

Tina asks for one word to describe their core. Monica: generous. Gervase: honorable. Tyson: fun-loving.

Hayden uses his question to ask Tyson where he found the Hidden Immunity Idol. He goes to Monica and we get more tears with her crying that she doesn’t know what they want from her.

Aras gets the last question. He goes to Gervase and wants him to explain why either Tyson or Monica should get his vote. Gervase says Tyson and explains how he played the best game. Monica is asked the same question and also goes to Tyson. Tyson gives his recommendation to Monica for how she played the outsider role in their three-person alliance.

That’s it for the Jury Q&A. They get a minute to think it over before they have to vote.

As the Jury votes we get a few insights. Caleb votes for Tyson. Vytas votes for Monica. Jeff collects the votes and heads off for his long, long walk back to the CBS lot. It takes months, you see, and that’s why there’s so much time between filming and the finale event.

Okay, Survivor Blood Vs Water is now live and we’re about to find out who won.

Jeff reveals the votes: Monica, Tyson, Tyson, Tyson, Tyson, & Tyson.

Tyson won Survivor Blood Vs Water! Congrats. He definitely earned it.

Are you pleased with the results tonight? Who would you have voted for in the Final Three?

Published by
Matt Boyer

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