Survivor Spoilers – Week 12 Immunity Challenge Revealed

We’ve got our Survivor spoilers sneak peek at tonight’s first Immunity Challenge for the Season 33 castaways as they get in deep with double the opportunities for safety in one night of Millennials vs Gen-X. Oh but there’s double the danger too so don’t get too comfy on the beach.

Ken prepares for Immunity Challenge on Survivor 2016Ken prepares for Immunity Challenge on Survivor 2016

Here are the details on what each castaway will be doing in the first individual immunity challenge tonight. First they’ll stack discs on a pole and run them across the first portion of the field. Drop any of your discs and you’re back to the start. Oh this sounds delightfully easy from the very start!

They don’t just have to carry those discs along the ground though, of course not. Instead they’ll be walking over a balance beam to drop off the discs at a little table. Looks like they can pick how much to carry each time, but they’ll have to move all of them before moving on.

With all the discs at the table the Survivor castaways will release another poll to carry the discs balanced on each side. Again, not that simple. They’ll be moving the horizontally balanced poll up and down through a little maze and I’m sure they’ll have to try again if anything falls off.

What then looks like the last stage is to roll the discs on their sides down a table and through a small opening at the far end. From there I’d guess it’s simply the first to finish. From the aerial view it doesn’t look like there are any other stages to the playing field. Really that’s enough though, right?

Published by
Matt Boyer

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