Survivor 2014 Blood Vs Water: John Rocker ‘The Day After’ Interview

This week on Survivor we saw John Rocker eliminated after a blindside at the Coyopa Tribal Council that sent him home with the Immunity Idol stashed in his pocket. Ouch! In his “Day After” exit interview John discusses the game and his experience.

John Rocker on Survivor - The Day After interview
John Rocker on Survivor – The Day After interview – Source: CBS

It seems to be the universal truth that Survivor is way harder than it looks from home. John discusses how just a few days in to the competition he saw how hungry, tired, and torn up he was with still a long, long way to go if he was going to make it.

Obviously John’s biggest regret is that he didn’t play his Idol, but he admits that even if he had it’s likely that it would have only bought him a few more days. John does not think the rest of Coyopa was going to let him get to the Merge and play for individual immunity.

As for that Hidden Immunity Idol, John suggests he went to Exile Island intentionally to gather a clue for it but later says he did not throw the competition against Julie.

Despite his nasty past John played an interesting game albeit not a very great one in the few episodes he lasted on Survivor Blood Vs Water.

Watch the rest of John’s exit interview after being voted out of Coyopa.

Survivor 2014 Blood Vs Water: John Rocker – ‘The Day After’


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