Survivor 2018 Spoilers: Competition Sneak Peeks Week 12

This week is the penultimate episode of Survivor 2018, so the stakes are higher than ever. We’ve got some Survivor spoilers coming in for the week and we are sharing them with you know.

First up we have this week’s reward challenge. The seven castaways will be divided into three teams of two. On go, they will have to drop a wooden spool onto a wooden track. The spool is going to roll to the bottom. They have to race to the bottom to catch the spool before it drops and then repeat the process. Then other spools will be added and they’ll have to keep them all from dropping. The last pair standing wins reward.

The prize winners this week will serve as Survivor Goodwill ambassadors. They’ll deliver supplies to a Fijian school and will celebrate with fried chicken and chocolate cake. And in typical unfair Survivor fashion, since there are only seven people, someone is going to get left out once again when they do the schoolyard pick again. And since Jeff even says they won’t have a shot at Ghost Island, that means someone will be heading there again this week. Check out the full video preview below.

We also have photos from this week’s immunity challenge. It looks like it has a lot of steps to it, so you can expect the castaways to have to build their own ramps, do some sprinting and probably solve a puzzle at the end. Check out the photo gallery below to get a look at some of what they’ll have to do during the challenge.

Survivor 2018 Ghost Island Immunity Challenge Week 12 Sneak Peek

After tonight we’ll have our Survivor 2018 Top 6 and then next week we head into the finale where we’ll lose three of those players to give us our Survivor Final 3.

Survivor 2018 Ghost Island Reward Challenge Week 12 Sneak Peek


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