Survivor: Redemption Island 16 Cast Members Announced
CBS has put out a video with 16 of the 18 new castaways for Survivor Redemption Island. Two are missing. Hmmmm wonder who that could be? LOL Do you see anyone worth pulling for?
CBS has put out a video with 16 of the 18 new castaways for Survivor Redemption Island. Two are missing. Hmmmm wonder who that could be? LOL Do you see anyone worth pulling for?
If you were upset about last season’s quitters, NaOnka Mixon and Kelly Shinn, ending up on the jury then you weren’t alone. Jeff Probst explains that this season, Survivor Redemption Island, will give producers the […]
Survivor returns for its 22nd season on February 16th, 2011 with an all new twist: Redemption Island. Well, mostly new. Jeff Probst spoke with People Magazine and explained how this second-chance is similar to a […]
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