Survivor Spoilers: Worlds Apart Immunity Challenge – Week 6
Survivor spoilers this week reveal the Worlds Apart castaways will face some time at the top of a pole. At least the ones that last will be doing that. 12 castaways remain on Season 30 […]
Survivor spoilers this week reveal the Worlds Apart castaways will face some time at the top of a pole. At least the ones that last will be doing that. 12 castaways remain on Season 30 […]
The Tribe Merge has arrived on Survivor 2015 just two weeks after we said goodbye to the third tribe and had shuffled down to just two camps. Now all of the remaining castaways will share […]
Survivor 2015 saw another blindside last week as Joaquin Sourberbielle was sent packing following a thrown immunity challenge that sent the Escameca tribe to Tribal Council. Even though things are going to change drastically next […]
Another week down on Survivor 2015 and another elimination leaving us that much closer to the season finale, but before we get there it’s time for the Tribe Merge this week! Joaquin was voted out […]
Say goodbye to the tribes on Survivor 2015 and hello to the newly merged Worlds Apart tribe when the show returns next Wednesday. We had only just met Nagarote and Escameca but they’re already coming […]
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