Aubry is feeling the stress on Survivor Kaoh Rong - Source: CBS
Next time on Survivor 2016 Kaoh Rong, with just six castaways left in the game there are about to be some frantic decisions with power struggles to secure the ideal final three. Who will come out on top in that struggle?
We saw Jason get a reprieve this week when Julia became the target and now he may slip even farther down the ladder of priorities as allies start to flip.
Tai dodged a bullet as well and might be starting to feel pretty secure as he goes to Aubry with a plan to flip on Michele, but Cydney isn’t impressed. In the promo clip it looks like Cydney is rather frustrated with Tai trying to take control and that could put him back in the hot seat. His special powers are going to run out soon so watch for those to be played before long.
The Survivor season finale should be coming up soon and there are only three eliminations left before the Jury round of the game arrives. Still no back to back episodes this season, possibly due in part to Caleb’s medevac that put things ahead of schedule, so we could see things play out at a leisurely pace. That wouldn’t be so bad!
Which castaway do you hope to see head off to Ponderosa next?
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Tonight on Survivor 43, the remaining castaways will compete in a Reward Challenge that includes…
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