Sierra Thomas: Survivor 2015 Castaway Profile

Sierra Thomas is a 27 year old rancher and cowgirl from Utah as she joins the Blue Collar tribe on Survivor 2015.

“People look at me and say you’re not a cowgirl. I don’t know if I don’t look the part or what,” says Sierra but she doesn’t plan to let impressions get in her way on Survivor. She’s tough and she knows it.

“I go days without sleep on the road, I go days without food. The elements I don’t think is going to be the problem.”

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The hardest part is going to be “not putting my full trust in people.” She has really relied on her family and friends so not having anyone to rely on completely will be her biggest obstacle with winning Survivor 2015.

Sierra Thomas adds, “a lot of people are going to look at me and think I’m not much a threat but when I’m out there kicking half the boys’ buts they’ll see that I can hang.”

Sierra Thomas Survivor Worlds Apart interview: