Survivor 2012 Philippines: Dawson The Day After

Dawson became the latest person voted out of Survivor Philippines and the first voted out of the Kalabaw Tribe.

The day after her elimination, Dawson got herself cleaned up and stopped for her exit interview. So what did she think of her Survivor experience?

“It was such an authentic experience …” Dawson said. “It was surreal and vivid and passionate.”

What did she find the hardest part of playing the game?

“I can survivor anywhere,” she said. “I can eat anything. The harder thing is the social game. My social game was on pointe.”

Dawson says she is very proud of her game and that Survivor is a game she loves.

I’m not sure about the other things she said because it’s kind of a loopy interview and I was left scratching my head during most of it. You can watch the video below and if you can translate any of what she’s saying, please do so in our comments section.


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