Candice Cody survived for weeks at Redemption Island, but the game finally caught up with her and she was eliminated last night on Survivor. In this week’s “The Day After” exit interview Candice talks about her experience on Blood Vs Water and the challenges of playing the game with a loved one compared to what she had faced before.
Candice makes an interesting analysis of the difference in playing with the Redemption Island battles. She discusses the life or death scenarios in that arena as compared to losing an immunity challenge but still having the chance to talk your way out of potential elimination.
Talk turns how emotional it made her to watch other players threaten her husband. Candice admits her reactions were sometimes irrational and drove her behavior.
When it came down to her last duel she reveals a major mistake was when she tossed away the right board after thinking she had the wrong one. Candice believes that could have cost her the game.
Watch the rest of her interview from Survivor and see what she had to say.