Survivor 2013 Caramoan Episode 7 Recap: Phillip Annoys Everyone Some More


This week on Survivor 2013 Caramoan Phillip continued to annoy everyone, including Jeff Probst, yet he still managed to not be voted off. But more on that later.

The tribe is mourning Matt. Like a lot. Um, then why did you send him home? Yeah, yeah, they had to send someone home. And for some reason it wasn’t Phillip. Which is basically what Corinne is wondering. Why not get rid of Phillip?

And meanwhile, Phillip wants rid of Corinne. And he tells Cochran he wants it done before the merge.

And then we jump to the next day. The Bikal Tribe gets some tree mail. And it’s about being strong in the next challenge. So Phillip says he’s got that covered and everyone is annoyed. Which is the norm now with Phillip. He’s hammering those nails into his coffin furiously.

So it’s time to head off to the Reward Challenge. The Tribes meet up with Jeff and get a look at the new Bikal Tribe without Matt. It’s a team challenge. They’ll be chained together and will be carrying 20-pound sandbags and must race in a circle and the first tribe to reach the other tribe wins.

And they’re playing for a Survivor-style coffee bar. Cookies, brownies, coffee.

And despite Phillip being a blowhard about how awesome he is, he’s making his tribe lose basically the entire time. And it’s not even a challenge. Gota wins. Easily. Actually, a better way to word it would be Bikal loses. Embarrassingly.

And the target on Phillip’s back gets bigger.

Gora heads off to their coffee bar, or “diarrhea fest” as someone from the Bikal Tribe called it.

Back at Brikal, all talk is on Phillip, of course. So it’s starting to sound like he’s in trouble unless they win immunity. And then I’m reminded that Julia exists. So I have to pause and think about that for a moment.

OK. Yeah. I still don’t remember her.

So anyway. Malcolm starts trying to build the alpha male alliance that we all new was coming. Malcolm and Reynold seal a deal and Reynold even tells him he’s got the idol. So Malcolm, since he has the other, knows where both idols are. Ha.

And back at the Bikal camp, people are coming apart at the seams. Phillip turns on Julia and decides she needs to go over Corinne, but I’m pretty sure everyone else is still looking at Phillip.

Now let’s head to the Immunity Challenge. In the challenge, they have to paddle a boat to a dock, dive in the water, retrieve a statue, put it in the boat and paddle it back to shore. And then they have to put the statue on a tower and then try to score five keys then try to unlock a lock to raise the statue to the top of the tower.

Gota wins. Of course. And Bikal spirits are low as they have to again go to Tribal Council.

Phillip pulls Cochran aside and tells him that he threw the challenge all because he wants to send Julia out before the merge. Give us a break, Phillip! So ridiculous!

OK, enough of this, let’s get to Tribal Council. And I don’t know about you, but I can’t wait for the merge. These Bikal tribals are booooooooring.

The Votes

Michael 3
Julia 3

It’s a tie. Time to vote again.

The Votes Take 2

Julia 3

And that’s enough to send her packing.

What did you think of this week’s episode of Survivor 2013 Caramoan?


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