Survivor 2013 Cast Dissected By Host Jeff Probst

Jeff Probst on Survivor 2013 cast

We’ve just briefly met the first cast of Survivor 2013, but Jeff Probst has spent a lot of time with the Caramoan season castaways and is ready to spill it on who has what it takes and who could be a real liability in the Fans battle against the returning “Favorites.”

Survivor host Jeff breaks down each castaway’s strengths and potential flaws with assessments like calling out Eddie Fox for having the impromptu skills of firefighter to navigate a fast changing game, but also questions his ability to focus on the task at hand and not get caught up with the bikinis walking by. That segues over to Hope Driskill, a beauty queen, who could be one of those potential pitfalls for Eddie.

This should be an awesome game and we’re about to find out which Survivor Fans have what it takes when the season premieres on Wednesday night, February 13th on CBS. Watch the whole video below and see what else Jeff has to say.


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