Survivor 2013: Who Was Voted Off Tonight? Episode 13 Results

Survivor 2013 Episode 13 results

It’s time for the Survivor results with our live blog of tonight’s Blood Vs Water episode. The castaways are nearly down to the finish line with just five members of Kasama left and one set to return from Redemption Island. Newbies are on the ropes as the Vets look ready to knock them out. Let’s see what happens when Ciera and Hayden try to make a move and flip the numbers against Tyson and Gervase.

Tonight’s show kicks off with the tribe returning to camp after having just drawn rocks to decide the last elimination. Katie come up empty and was sent to join her mom at Redemption Island. The odds were with the Vets over the Newbies, but I imagine Tyson was still sweating that one a little.

Over at Redemption Island Tina is facing a decision. If it comes down to her and Katie, will she let her daughter win? Based on what we saw earlier on the latest arena challenge it might be a choice she’ll be forced to make.

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This week’s Redemption Island challenge requires the three castaways to build sticks long enough to grab keys and unlock their gate. As soon as it starts Tina is shouting help to Katie.

Laura is moving very fast and has her first key as Tina and Katie still work on their poking sticks. Laura gets all three keys quickly and is done before Tina even gets her first key. That means Laura gets the clue to give to Ciera tonight.

Either Tina or Katie will be eliminated and this won’t be easy for them. Both are fighting for their second key as Katie drops hers in the sand. Dang.

Katie struggles to recover her dropped key as Tina catches up and gets all her keys. Now she asks Katie if she’s okay with it. Katie, continuing to work on her stick, says its okay. Neither pauses as they both fight to survive.

Tina steps through her gate, eliminating Katie from Survivor. It was the right move. You don’t come here to quit (Colton). I’m glad she didn’t throw the comp.

Back at camp Ciera and Hayden are searching for the Hidden Immunity Idol that isn’t there anymore. Hayden realizes someone probably has it. Yep.

It’s time for the Immunity Challenge. The castaways must bring a buoy back to the beach and solve a puzzle.

Hayden and Tyson lead the competition as Ciera and Gervase lag behind. Now everyone is at the beach and trying to solve the word puzzle. It’s a phrase that Jeff promises fans of Survivor will know. Everyone is struggling.

Wow! Ciera solves the puzzle: “You are going to have to dig deep.” She was last to the beach and still manages to pull off the win. Ciera picks Hayden to enjoy the food with her at camp.

Back at camp Ciera and Hayden decide to target Gervase while telling Monica she’s being used by her alliance. Monica actually seems to take the bait and believes Ciera’s tale, but will she act on it?

Tribal Council is a ping pong battle with Monica as the ball. Both sides are knocking her back and forth as Ciera says her alliance is bad mouthing her while Gervase and Tyson defend themselves. This should be interesting. It’s time to vote.

Jeff reveals the votes: Hayden, Gervase, Hayden, Gervase, & Hayden.

Hayden was voted off Survivor tonight. He heads to Redemption Island where he’ll compete against Laura and Tina for a chance back in to the game.

Attention: The Survivor Blood Vs Water finale is this Sunday, December 15th. It’ll be a 2-hour episode and we’ll be covering it live!


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