Survivor 2013: Who Was Voted Off Tonight? Episode 6 Results

New Galang tribe on Survivor 2013

Tonight on Survivor 2013 Blood Vs Water the tribes shift (can’t wait? get those spoilers now), one more player is eliminated, and a tribe votes out another castaway. It’s time to find out what happens next.

CBS is calling this week’s show “One-Man Wrecking Ball” and after we watch the tribe shuffle that name should be explained. Yes, the new tribes are extremely off in their sex-balance but we’re yet to see which side makes that an advantage.

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Picking up where we left off last week Laura M has been voted out of Galang, the victim of their first visit to Tribal Council, and is off to join Brad Culpepper and John Cody on Redemption Island. Meanwhile, back at the Galang tribe the castaways react to what’s just happened.

The tribes and competitors arrive at Redemption Island. Ciera tears up seeing her mom walk in, but will she take her place? Laura immediately rejects the idea when Jeff brings up the idea of a swap. Let’s get to today’s duel. Players move along a balance beam collecting bags of puzzle pieces. On the other side of the beam they must assemble the puzzle. The puzzle? Putting numbered tiles in numerical order. Yeah, it’s that lame. First two players to finish stay in the game. First place gets an Immunity Idol clue to hand out. Last place goes home.

Laura has a strong lead as John stumbles and falls to last place in the second round of bag collecting. Brad and John are tied up while Laura has a healthy lead over them.

At the last bag of puzzle pieces Laura is way ahead and she finishes in first place. Brad and John are very close, but John edges him out. Brad Culpepper is out after 14 days on Survivor.

It’s time to hand out the Immunity Idol clue. Laura targets Vytas for that “prize.” Jeff walks it up to Vytas and Vytas follows him right back down to the fire and tosses it in.

Tribe shuffle time! Jeff hands out tubes with buffs hidden inside. The castaways break them open and find out what we already told you in our spoilers. Here’s how the new tribes break down:

Galang tribe now includes: Monica, Tina, Katie, Laura B, Vytas, and Kat.
Tadhana tribe now includes: Ciera, Aras, Hayden, Caleb, Gervase, and Tyson.

When Tyson, Gervase, and Aras arrive at Tadhana’s camp they make sure to devour all available food and even get the newbies to reveal clues to the Immunity Idol. Meanwhile over at Galang things are getting awkward as Monica can’t stop talking strategy.

Immunity is up for grabs! It’s time for “Buoy Oh Buoy” where pairs will work to retrieve fish traps and the puzzle pieces inside them. First tribe to assemble their puzzle gets immunity and a hefty picnic. Let’s see which new tribe can bring it home.

Gervase and Aras take a nice lead in the first round for Tadhana. It gets worse for Galang when both Laura and Tina forget to bring back the fish trap they just released. Tadhana are now lapping Galang. Ugh.

Tadhana has a huge lead and is working on their puzzle as Galang is still working to retrieve their last fish trap. If Tadhana loses this then I’ll be shocked.

Hilariously Galang catches all the way up and completes their puzzle, but wait, it’s wrong! They scramble to reassemble but once again it’s wrong. Tadhana finally finishes their puzzle and wins immunity. What a mess. Galang heads back to camp empty handed as they prepare for Tribal Council.

Heading in to Tribal things are up in the air. Kat wants Monica out, but Tina tells Monica and now it’s Kat on the ropes. Heading to the vote Tina says it’s “50/50” between Vytas and Kat. Will the all-girls alliance hold? Let’s find out.

Jeff reveals the votes: Vytas, Kat, Kat, Kat, & Kat. That’s enough votes. Kat is voted out off Survivor tonight. She’ll head to Redemption Island to face off against John and Laura next week.

Do you think Galang made the right choice by turning on their girl alliance and keeping Vytas?


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