Survivor 2014 Cagayan: LJ Arrives At Ponderosa

LJ was voted off Survivor last night and it might not have shocked us, but it sure did catch him off guard. Leaving Tribal Council and heading toward the exit LJ can’t quite figure out how that all happened.

LJ arrives at Ponderosa
LJ arrives at Ponderosa – Source: CBS

LJ is down, but he understands it’s just a game and he gives kudos to the guys on moving on even though he’s not with them. As he arrives at Ponderosa there’s Morgan and Sarah, but no hugs this time around like we saw last week. There are even eye rolls from Morgan and a jab from Sarah.

The tribe might be in trouble without LJ. He points out he was the best firemaker and the major food-catcher for everyone. He gets a kick out of seeing himself after all those weeks on the beach and is shocked by just how rough and tumble he’s become.

Check out LJ’s Ponderosa video to see how he adjusts to returning to the real world.

Survivor Cagayan: LJ Arrives At Ponderosa


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