Survivor 2014: Jeremy Collins ‘Day After’ Elimination Interview

“I slipped up,” explains Jeremy Collins in his “The Day After” interview following his elimination from Survivor’s Blood Vs Water this week. One misstep was all it took for this castaway who spent his season on the run from the start to his early finish.

Jeremy Collins on Survivor's 'Day After'
Jeremy Collins on Survivor’s ‘Day After’ – Source: CBS

I was really enjoying Jeremy and his struggle to keep his head above water was an exciting storyline this season so it was disappointing to see him voted off Survivor last night, but even Jeremy admits this seemed inevitable.

Jeremy says it was a battle from the very start as he was targeted and then each week it became a “me or them” situation where he would narrowly dodge elimination. His chances of getting to the end were a long shot and would have required an incredible string of Immunity wins, according to Jeremy’s view of the stretch ahead.

It did finally seem like he had a window of opportunity, or so he thought on the very day he was eliminated. It was that moment he says was the slip up that cost him his game on this week’s episode. Overall he considers his time on Survivor a disappointment since he failed to win and anything less fell short of that goal.

Watch Jeremy’s “Day After” Survivor interview to hear what else he had to say about his experience:


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