Now that was a fun Survivor 2016 episode last night as we watched the Brawn tribe continue their meltdown with a fantastic Tribal Council.

When the challenge requires you to carry a 200 pound pole then the players marked as “Brawn” better take the lead. When the challenge requires you to aim and hit targets, the former pro-athlete should win. Unfortunately, not of that worked out and once again the sad tribe of To Tang headed back to date night with Jeff Probst.
As Jeff noted, I don’t recall anyone giving a standing plea atop their seat like we saw from Jenny last night. It was great for us, but me thinks the lady doth protest too much as she dug her own Survivor grave instead of keeping her mouth shut. Do you think she could have talked her way out of it?
Missed the show and want to watch it on-demand? CBS has it available online and through their All Access service where you can try it out with the free trial.