Survivor 2018 David Vs. Goliath Player Rankings Week 11

We are now down to the Survivor 2018 Final 8 after last week’s double episode and we are again at even numbers of original Davids and Goliaths. So let’s take a look at where the remaining eight castaways stand ahead of this week’s episode.

As always, these are just our rankings, and are likely different from yours. So feel free to kindly share with us how you would rank them. We base our rankings on gameplay so far, any powers they might have, their social game and how much danger they have been in so far. Let’s take a look.

Survivor 2018 Week 11 Player Rankings

1. Christian Hubicki. It seems Christian is going to be in danger once again, but that can’t stop me from leaving him at the No. 1 spot. Not only did he evade elimination, he has since found a hidden immunity idol and won a round of individual immunity. It might actually take his strongest ally turning on him to get him out at this point (even though that doesn’t make sense for her).

2. Nick Wilson. Nick moves up to the No. 2 spot not only because Alec is gone, but because Nick now has the extra power of an idol and he has been on no one’s radar since the first week or two. He’s in a great position.

3. Davie Rickbacker. Davie jumps back up a few spots because he’s been a part of the right moves and also won immunity last week. That might make him more of a target, but for this week he’s one of the most powerful players.

4. Gabby Pascuzzi. Gabby is still using her tears and manipulation to keep her positioned in the game. No one else is using this strategy but it’s working for her. So far.

5. Kara Kay. Kara is probably the Goliath in the best spot. I would say it’s Angelina, but I don’t think anyone actually trusts Angelina. I think people at least trust Kara.

6. Angelina Keeley. Angelina is hard to figure out in the game, but she bought herself some time last week with the sacrifice she made for rice. That was an impressive move.

7. Alison Raybould. Alison might be the next to go if she doesn’t pull out another immunity win. And that would boost her in our next round of rankings.

8. Mike White. Mike holds onto the very bottom spot for really lackluster gameplay and really bad alliance choices.

How would you rank the remaining Survivor 37 castaways? Who is going to win it all?


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