Survivor One World: Kat The Day After Elimination

Survivor 2012 Kat

This week on Survivor One World, young, naive Kat’s torch was snuffed, becoming the first woman to leave the island since around week five.

CBS sat her down the day after her elimination to talk about her experience on Survivor 2012 and what went wrong with her game.

“I felt like every single day I grew as an individual,” Kat said in the interview posted below. “I’m really proud of how I played.”

So she’s proud of how she played. Interesting. The best thing she says, though, is that she said she went into the game thinking she’d emerge as the leader. She actually thought everyone would follow her and do as she said.

Oh, and no one else wanted to win as bad as her.

“I wanted it more than anyone in the world,” she said. “I was really shocked when I was blindsided.”


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