Survivor Philippines: Jeff The Day After Elimination


This week on Survivor Philippines, Jeff Kent was surprisingly eliminated and became the second member of the jury. The day after, he got cleaned up and sat down for the usual exit interview.

Fair warning: you won’t be getting the typical “what I learned from Survivor” interview. No, not with Jeff. With Jeff you get how awesome he is and how many millions of dollars he made as a baseball star. Oh, and there’s a mention or two of his celebrity status.

“I’m just like everybody else,” he said.


He makes sure we know that he could care less about the money he could have won by winning Survivor. Nah, he was just bored one day and decided to compete on Survivor.

So what did he take away from his experience?

“I’ll probably have a more respect for food and more appreciation of how I live,” Jeff said. “This really hasn’t change (life) much but it’s made it more rounded.

“This has been a great, great outdoor experience,” he added. “I’ll never forget it.”

Hear what else Jeff had to say in his exit interview below. And as always, we’ll be here for all of your Survivor 2012 news, results and recaps throughout the week. And you can always join us on Facebook and Twitter to get those sent right to you.


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