Survivor Philippines: RC The Day After Elimination


This week on Survivor Philippines, R.C. became the first person voted off the island following the merge that formed the Dangrayne Tribe.

So, like every week, the eliminated player paused for the exit interview. So RC, all cleaned up, sat down to talk about her Survivor experience and what she learned about herself while playing the game.

“It was such an amazing experience to be able to learn about yourself and how far you really can push yourself,” RC said. “I’m really proud of myself because this experience really breaks you down and shows your true colors I can be proud walking away from this game knowing I played with integrity.

And while it’s a complete bummer to be out of the game that she loves so much, she’s not being too hard on herself.

“You win some, you lose some,” RC said. “It’s just the way the cookie crumbled.”

Find out what else RC had to say in the post-elimination video below. Survivor Philippines airs again on Wednesday night. See you there!


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