Survivor Power Rankings: Winners At War Week 11

It’s been a crazy few weeks on Survivor 2020, and this week was a bit more mild as far as drama goes, but the gameplay and strategy was still full throttle.

I think, for the first time this season, there’s absolutely no question who the player at the top of the list should be. So let’s get to it.

Survivor 40 Power Rankings Week 11

1. Tony. As I already said, there was no doubt in my mind that Tony deserved this top spot. For starters, he has two weeks of individual immunity and found a hidden immunity idol. But this week, the move he made to convince people to go after Sophie, who was No. 1 on our list last week (for an indication of just how well she was playing). He really did that all himself. And she was definitely poised to win the game, but was sent out with an idol in her pocket. Oh, and let’s not forget how he convinced three people to give up their fire tokens so he could pay off the extortion power. Now he will definitely be a huge target, but for this week, he’s the best player in the game.

2. Michele. It starts getting tricky right away, because it’s hard to gauge who is the second most powerful. A couple of people I would have put second got blindsided this week, so here we are. Michele is back on solid ground now, having even voted with that small majority this week. And her 50/50 power will possibly help her out if she needs it. So she seems like a logical No. 2.

3. Nick. I think Nick is just kind of always in the middle. Everyone seems to think he’s OK with them and everyone trusts him enough to go to him with vote plans. I think Nick is sitting in one of the most secure positions in the game.

4. Jeremy. It was a bit confusing when it came to Jeremy this week because he was the target, but he made the right move going along with Tony’s plan to vote out Sophie. So that definitely moves him up this week.

5. Ben. While Ben wasn’t in on the vote this week, he’s still playing a solid game. Not misstep as far as the vote goes seems to ever effect him anyway. So I think we can expect him to stick around a lit longer.

6. Sarah. This week, Sarah sinks. She used her power already and wasn’t in on the vote, despite Tony being one of her biggest allies. Things could finally not be looking to good for Sarah.

7. Denise. I’m not sure what’s going on with Denise. She was a target for a bit, then not, and then a target again. But this week she thought she was with the majority to get Jeremy out, but that backfired, so now she is in a bad position because she voted agains one of her only allies.

8. Kim. Kim’s performance in this game continues to perplex me. She’s still there, which is incredible at this rate, but she’s just not playing the game like someone who won so impressively her first time around. I hate how often I’ve ranked her at the bottom, but she’s left me no choice.

How would you rank the remaining Survivor 40 players after week 10?


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