Here we go with tonight’s Survivor Cagayan results recap where we’ll find out if Tony can keep both of his Idols intact to survive to the finale and who will fall victim to his traps.

There are only three episodes left in the season including tonight’s Survivor so things are going to start moving fast. Kass, Woo, Tasha, Spencer, Trish, and Tony are all that’s left of this fantastic season and we can’t wait to see who pulls out the win.
From what we’ve seen so far the Immunity Challenge is going to favor someone with some strong brain power and memory skills, but the Reward Challenge has the teams split up in an interesting way that could give them time to plot no matter who wins some time away from the camp.
When the tribe returns from last week’s council things are nuts as Tony starts getting in to it with Kass and that continues in the morning. Kass is sure he was talking smack about her, though Spencer swears he wasn’t. Now Kass looks ready to rally the tribe and go after Tony.
Tony threatens Kass that he’s got a Special Idol but refuses to show it. She says she’ll vote him out and he says she can’t. Tony keeps repeating it, but Kass tells us she doesn’t believe it. She should.
Reward Challenge – “Challenge Pitch”:
Tribes are (Purple) Spencer, Kass, and Woo against (Orange) Tony, Trish, and Tasha. They have to knock down a block wall first then start rebuilding their wall as fast as possible. Winners get to be goodwill ambassadors to a local school.
Purple gets the wall knocked down first. Tasha is rebuilding her wall for Orange and doing very well. Spencer had the advantage of two blocks but is way, way behind.
Spencer, Kass, & Woo win reward! An incredible comeback, says Jeff, and he’s right. I’m impressed.
Away on their reward challenge Kass, Woo, and Spencer have a great time bringing the kids and entertaining them. Woo does a fantastic job with the kids and puts on a martial arts show.
Before they head back to camp, Kass approaches Woo and Spencer about working together to flush out Tony’s Idol. Spencer is definitely in but Woo seems hesitant. Kass says Tony has to use it by F5 but they should move on it now. Woo says he’ll consider it and that doesn’t sound very committal.
Immunity Challenge:
Players must run out, count items, race back and set the combination to a lock. If they guess wrong they have to run back across the field and can’t just stand there guessing. It’s a long, long field around the corner so they can’t see it from the lock.
This is Tasha’s chance at tying the record of four wins in a row. Everyone is running back and forth. This looks exhausting as they travel the field over and over.
There’s no timer showing us how long it’s taking, wait, no it’s been 25 minutes. Wow this must be awful. Just when we think Tasha is going to get it… Spencer gets it! Spencer wins Immunity.
Jeff tells Tasha she was off by just one number on the bamboo item for a long time. Ouch!
Back at camp Tony is worried because Tasha isn’t. He plans to use his Idol just to be safe. Kass pulls Woo aside and says she’s considering not going after Tony. Oh geez. What’s Kass going to do?
Tribal Council:
Tony tells Jeff he’s worried about something going on tonight. Lots of back and forth as Tony appeals to his alliance to not let his Idol get away from helping them. Kass announces she expects a blindside.
It’s time to vote. Jeff tallies & reveals the votes: Tasha, Tony, Trish, Tasha, Tasha…
Tasha is voted out. Looks like Kass flipped again. Oh I’m bummed. Tasha was a great player and fun to watch each week.
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I’ll be updating this post throughout the show so keep refreshing for live updates. Thanks for joining us tonight for Survivor.