Survivor Recap: San Juan Del Sur Episode 01 ‘Suck It Up & Survive’

Survivor Blood Vs Water premieres tonight on CBS as the new season premieres with 18 castaways but just one Sole Survivor! It all starts right now.

Survivor 2014 - Blood Vs Water castawaysSurvivor 2014 - Blood Vs Water castaways
Survivor 2014 – Blood Vs Water castaways – Source: CBS

Day One kicks off as the new castaways gather in Exile arena following a night of roughing it as pairs for one last night together. Unless of course the couples make it to the Merge. Sounds like the fire-starting went better for some than others, but once they’re all in groups that shouldn’t be much of an issue.

First things first. Jeff asks a few of the castaways questions and then gets to assigning tribes by random draws between the pairs. Each loved-one pair is split between either Coyopa (orange) and Hunahpu (blue). Next up: the first Exile Island Challenge.

Rock-paper-scissors is used to decide who has to play to represent their tribe. Jeremy goes out for Hunahpu and Jeff reveals that means Jeremy’s wife Val will be his competition. The reward is a set of flint and other goodies. The loser is sent to Exile Island.

Exile Island Challenge:
Jeremy and Val must unwind a rope puzzle to reach a metal ring that they’ll use to drag back a platform. Second rope and ring will be used on the second platform. First to drag both back wins the luxury items.

Jeremy squanders a healthy lead trying to snag the first platform and soon Val is caught up. But wait, Jeremy has his first platform back and is on to get the second rope.

Val gets her first platform and is back in to the rope challenge portion. Soon Jeremy hooks his second platform and is soon finished. He wins and that means Val is off to Exile Island.

Jeff reveals the next twist. Jeremy has to pick someone from his own tribe to go to Exile with Val. Jeremy picks Keith because he thinks Keith can help start a fire and keep his wife safe. They receive a map and are off in to the jungle.

Time for the tribes to head to their camps for the first time and settle in. Looks like Jeremy is the popular guy at Hunahpu, but will he make too many alliances too fast? He’s talking up a few quick pairs and wants to get a solid five to control their first Tribal Council vote.

Over at the Coyopa tribe the focus is on making fire. Dale is 55 years old and immediately seen as the “old guy” and “dad” of the group, but he pulls through after breaking his glasses in two and getting the fire started.

Val and Keith arrive at Exile Island and it ain’t pretty. First thing to handle is picking an urn for each of them but only one has a clue to a Hidden Immunity Idol. Val is the lucky one and hides the information from Keith who drew a blank scroll instead.

So much for John Rocker keep things quiet. Both Keith and Wes immediately recognize John for his past as a pitcher on the Atlanta Braves. Initially John denies his identity, but Wes keeps pressing and John relents. John later tells us he may have to target Wes to keep that information quiet as he’s not sure he can trust Wes.

Immunity Challenge:

The tribes are reunited with the Exile castaways and prepare for their first chance at Immunity.

Coyopa takes the lead as they’re the first to get their bags down after racing across the playing field. Next step is to climb up a series of ramps after anchoring their ropes. Coyopa maintains their lead.

Hunahpu has a slow start but is not too far behind as they continue to climb up each level. Coyopa is doing very well, but the lead isn’t that much considering the puzzle challenge ahead.

The tribes have to assemble a Mayan calendar consisting of fifty pound pieces. The Survivor challenge team said this was their hardest puzzle and it looks like it sure isn’t easy and the weight isn’t helping.

Hunahpu overcomes Coyopa’s lead to finish their puzzle first and secure Immunity. Coyopa is heading to Tribal Council where someone will be voted out.

Back at the Coyopa tribe everyone is working to find out who will be the first target. Dale remembers Nadiya from Amazing Race and suggests she’d be a good castaway to eliminate since he knows she could backstab someone from their side. Of course Nadiya is trying to get the girls to go after Dale.

Tribal Council:

Jeff goes straight to Nadiya as CBS’s familiar face. She says to make lemonade when things get tough. Now we’re on to Dale who discusses getting fire going for the team. Josh becomes a topic again as Nadiya talks about him as “one of the girls” which he said earlier was not something you should do with him.

It’s time to vote.

Jeff reveals the votes: Nadiya, Dale, Baylor, Dale, Nadiya, Dale, Nadiya, Nadiya, Nadiya.

Nadiya is voted off Survivor tonight as the first eliminated castaway.

Coyopa heads back to camp down a castaway but now they have flint to make fire. Maybe Dale breaking his glasses was still worth it afterall!

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We’ll be updating this post here live throughout tonight’s show so keep refreshing this page and sharing your reactions in the Comments section below.

Published by
Matt Boyer

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