Survivor Redemption Island Allows Producers To Block Quitters From Jury

NaOnka Mixon Kelly Shinn Survivor

If you were upset about last season’s quitters, NaOnka Mixon and Kelly Shinn, ending up on the jury then you weren’t alone. Jeff Probst explains that this season, Survivor Redemption Island, will give producers the option whether or not to let castaways who quit prior to elimination stay to be part of the jury.

“The most frustrating part for me was that both of them, due to a precedent we already set on the show, were allowed to stay on the jury and have an influence at the end of the game,” Probst tells PEOPLE. “And that was not a judgment call on our end. We had already set that in motion with Janu back in Palau. She was already in the jury phase, she quit, so she becomes a jury member. But there were people who said, ‘Aww man, that’s not right! They should be out of the jury!’ Because they were big votes.”

Seems like producers were caught off-guard by the pair of quitters and couldn’t change things mid-season. So now they’re going in to this round telling the players that they won’t have a guaranteed spot in the jury.

There’s still a problem here though. It’s a gray area. Producers will have the option to send a quitter home or they might get to stay for the jury. So really, if one person quits and they decide to let them stay then they’ll have to do the same for the second person.

Come on, Survivor producers, just set a rule. If they quit, then they’re gone. Keep it simple and remove the vagueness.

Source: People


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