Survivor Results: Who Won Survivor 2015 Last Night?

Jeff Probst has revealed who won Survivor 2015 last night as the Worlds Apart Jury cast its votes and awarded one castaway a million dollar prize as the Sole Survivor of Season 30.

Survivor 2015 finale on WednesdaySurvivor 2015 finale on Wednesday
Survivor 2015 finale on Wednesday – Source: CBS

Only five castaways remained and we had seen the spoilers on who makes it to the Final Four, but beyond that were still anxiously awaiting results for the F3 and Jury decision.

The finale kicked off with Merica returning to camp and Carolyn arguing with her tribe and alliance members over why they turned on her while they want to know about her secret Immunity Idol. Carolyn isn’t ready to turn on them just yet because she needs their numbers and Mike remains the target.

Loved ones have arrived as part of the first Reward Challenge of the night. Everyone is excited to see their missed family so Jeff is happy to make those reunions. Mike’s mom, Rodney’s dad, Carolyn’s husband, Sierra’s dad, and Will’s wife are all here.

Winner of the Reward gets time with their family and an advantage in the next challenge. I suppose the rest of the loved ones just head back to the hotel. Ouch.

Reward Challenge:
Will got the initial lead running down the field but Mike caught up and leads going in to the puzzle phase. Will was close behind but stumbled and has to return. Will keeps dropping. It’s painful to watch.

Mike has a huge lead and is sorting his puzzle pieces. If he loses this then he fell asleep at the wheel. Sierra is catching up fast but Mike stays a step ahead and finally finds the combo to unlock the case. He wins Reward, time with his mom, and an advantage at the next challenge.

Immunity Challenge:
Mike’s advantage gave him 30 mins at the challenge but he was blindfolded and his mom had to guide him the whole time. Time runs out and Mike is worried he didn’t learn enough. Mike’s home is heartbroken and thinks she let him down.

Mike goes in to the comp with this small advantage, but will it be enough? Well, it sure isn’t hurting him as he tears through the positions and collects all the medallions.

Rodney finds a medallion and starts helping his other three allies to his position. Doesn’t seem to matter though as Mike has his fourth and goes looking for the Immunity necklace… Mike wins Immunity!

Tribal Council:
It’s either going to be Sierra or Rodney. Who does Mike want to go against in the next round?

Jeff tallies the votes: Sierra, Rodney, Sierra, Sierra.

Sierra Thomas was voted off Survivor and just shy of the F4 tonight. Time for the next round.

Immunity Challenge:
Final Four faces a massive challenge ahead of them. They’ll have to race up a huge platform to get a key, slide down to climb an obstacle course, and unlock a bag of puzzle pieces.

Mike is the first to the bags and unlocks his first set. The other three are side by side and not far behind. This could still be close.

Mike maintains his lead, but Rodney is not far behind him at all. He needs to hustle as Rodney is closing in on him.

Now it’s everyone at the puzzle phase. Carolyn is closing in FAST on Mike. This is going to be between these two… MIKE WINS IMMUNITY!

Mike is guaranteed a spot in the F3. Who will be joining him?

Tribal Council:
Looks like we could get a split between Carolyn and Rodney. Mike encouraged Carolyn to practice fire but she’s exhausted after hours of attempts and can’t do it.

Jeff tallies the votes: Rodney, Carolyn, Carolyn, Rodney. Tie!

Fire-making challenge is the tie-breaker. Oh this is going to be awesome fun.

Carolyn and Rodney are racing to build a fire that will burn a string and lift their flag. 20 minutes in to the challenge and neither have built fire, but both have had to trade out their flint with Jeff.

Rodney has fire!… and he loses it. Good grief this went from exciting to pitiful. After 53 mins Rodney has a serious burn going. WOW! Now Carolyn has fire too and she builds a smarter fire that climbs higher, faster.

Carolyn wins the challenge! Rodney is eliminated from Survivor.

Final 3: Carolyn, Mike, & Will

Tribal Council:
Castaways head to sit before the Jury and get chewed out. This should be fun!

I’ll post the clip later of everyone doing their rants at the F3. I’m really thinking Mike made a bad choice taking Carolyn to the end over Rodney, but just how bad of a choice was it?

Jeff tallies the votes and takes them off in to the jungle & down in to the CBS studio…

Who won Survivor 2015 Worlds Apart? Votes: Mike, Will, Carolyn, Mike, Mike, Mike!

Mike Holloway wins Survivor! Congrats to Mike & the F3.

Following the Survivor finale winner results we’ll get the Reunion show so stick with us as we update all the results from tonight’s Worlds Apart finale.

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Published by
Matt Boyer

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