Survivor Samoa…….The Hotness Factor

Alright!!!….Its time to cast our eyes on 20 lucky castaways!!     Survivor Samoa is ON!!!!

Get ready!    This year we get more than we bargained for.     A full 20…yes, count em…20 castaways.     All with outrageous game strategys and ready to prove their the ultimate sole survivor.

We’ll be island hopping (well..actually island sitting)  with some real Hotties!!       My personal fav is John, the Rocket Scientist.      I guess i always had a thing for guys with brains, gorgeous eyes and pocket protectors  :)      Also lined up in the Hottie category is Erik, a bartender,   Ben a bar manager,   and Brett, a t-shirt designer.     These three will want to play Tarzan!       Theres potential for a showmance with several of the lovely ladies willing to play “Jane”.     Monica, a law student,   Kelly or Yasmin, both hair stylist or even Marisa, a student.     All say their willing to use their sex appeal to futher them in the game.

It wont be hard to distinguish between the two Russells.     Russell S….the sensitive type,   Russell H….his claim to fame…missing a tooth and refuses to get it fixed.     Ok so Russell H is a Nottie instead of a Hottie!

Bear with me here…this next sentence is hard for me to type.      Hands shaking…..Natalie is my fav female!!!!      You hard core reality fans will understand this one.      Everyone else….The chick’s  name bugs me!!!!!!!     Wonder if this beautiful southern belle (we southern belles stick together), would be willing to change her name?

Oh…Two more things and i will move over and you can have your say.      Id like to play operation with Doctor Mick…hes also funny.      And dont get rid of the oldies but goodies so fast.       Mike a 62 yr old personal chef and Betsy the 48 yr old police officer.      Age is not a factor with these two.

Thats just some of the Hotties (and a couple of Notties) that we will trek through the jungle with.      Make sure you go to the home page and read all their bios.       Pick your fav and Let The Games Begin!!!!


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