Survivor 2014 Spoilers: CBS Reveals Voting Events This Week On Cagayan – Update

This week on Survivor 2014, CBS is already revealing the chaos Tony promised us this week. Read on to find out what CBS is teasing us could be coming up on Wednesday..

Update: Find out who was voted off tonight on Survivor!

Mixed in this week’s description on the latest Survivor preview clip, you can watch that below, was a little blurb about what would happen:

One castaway’s bidding strategy at the Survivor auction could pay off for them. Meanwhile, castaways draw rocks for a huge advantage in the game, and another castaway decides to show off his idol in an attempt to ensure his safety.

Update: Now originally I thought we’d get a tied vote at Council through some weird result of a power or vote combination which could lead to drawing rocks. Instead what we might get is everyone holds out in the auction and lots have the same, full amount of money for the clue at the end. When everyone bids their full $$ then they’ll have to draw to find out who gets the big advantage.

On top of that it seems Tony is willing to open his bag of tricks and reveal his special Idol. Would that really be a deterrent or just a heads up to his challengers that they’ll need two weeks to get him out?

Survivor Cagayan Episode 10 preview:

Published by
Matt Boyer

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