Survivor Spoilers: First Look At ‘Chain Reaction’ Immunity Challenge

Survivor 2013 spoilers - Blood vs Water challenge

The Survivor 2013 Blood Vs Water castaways will face another Immunity Challenge this week. This competition is called “Chain Reaction” and has enough moving parts to make your head spin!

First each tribe team will be chained together through posts. The first castaway on each team will unwind his or her chain through a metal maze to release a set of keys. Those keys will be passed down the line until everyone is released.

The castaways will remain together and work their way through an obstacle course and collect bags along the way. On the other side they’ll use their chains to create bolo sets (tethered balls). Each team will then have to land their bolos on the wooden rails with a quick toss. First team to six wins Immunity.

We’ve got video of the Dream Team practicing the competition plus one picture of Galang arriving at the competition. Tadhana remains hidden to keep us guessing if Hayden switches with Kat. He won’t. Not gonna happen.


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