This week’s episode is called “Hungry for a Win” and it appears like the reward and immunity challenges will be separate.  So who is Hungry?  It looks like Galu, even though we all know Foa Foa needs it the most.  In the promo put out by CBS, Mick and Natalie are shown throwing coconuts in what could be a resemblance of the “Rock Block” challenge from Tocantis.  Don’t quote me on that because it is just a guess.  The press release shows Eric chasing a chicken which would mean that Galu wins the reward, Again!  Is Foa Foa ever going to catch a break??  Yes they are.  If the immunity challenge is separate then guess what?  According to my sources,  Foa Foa wins!!!  I believe the challenges are separate because clothes have been changed  and it looks like the challenge will be an obstacle course.  The castaways are collecting blocks which then must be stacked high.  It looks like we will see people on shoulders trying to get them stacked up.  One of my sources says that Galu sits out Dave, Shambo, and Russell S.  Not sure why they sit Shambo out again but she is one tough competitor and they need to use her as much as they can.   This means that someone from Foa Foa will be sent to the Galu camp and given a clue to the other immunity idol.  Wouldn’t it be something if Russell H. went and found both idols?  I don’t think it will happen especially since Mick knows he has already found the one at Foa Foa. 

Who do you think Galu will vote out this week?  My source says Yasmin is the one leaving with Russell S. a close second but this is just a rumor and not a fact.  I heard John’s name floated around but he has redeemed himself from the first reward challenge so I think he will be safe.  :razz:  He is so cute!  I am ready to see more of Galu this week just so I can get a look at him and Jeff can see more of Monique and blackgirl can get her Eric fix.  Ha!  We are a sad bunch who want to see them lose just so we can look at the ones we think are hot!

Does anyone have any additional spoilers they want to share with the rest of us and have any of you heard anything different then what I have?  Please share!


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