Jeff Probst has been telling fans that this season of Survivor 2016 would be the most brutal yet with their toughest living conditions yet and even three medevacs.

Probst spoke with TV Guide for an interview released last week for the season premiere. In their discussion he revealed it wouldn’t be until the fourth episode of Kaoh Rong that things really take a turn for the worst. So bad, in fact, that this should settle any debates over the show’s authenticity.
“This season is going to put a pin in that. The fourth episode is epic. It’s pretty full-on, and it’s exciting because we tell the story in a new way. We let the audience sort of see behind the scenes of what’s happening.
To the few who still may think that we’re a show that isn’t real – which drives me nuts, because of all the scripted ‘unscripted’ shows – it will answer once again any questions about whether or not this show is real.”
So we’re just two weeks out from watching the first round of this season’s craziness that’s been hyped for quite awhile. Another interesting point on that is when TV Guide notes “at least one contestant will be forced to quit for medical reasons.” We had heard there there three medevacs, so does someone get evacuated and then return or is the three count wrong? We’ll have to wait and see.