~FOA FOA WINS IMMUNITY~ I have been waiting for this episode…I wanted to get better acquainted with Galu, and now that I have, I find it hard to believe that these are the same people […]
~FOA FOA WINS IMMUNITY~ I have been waiting for this episode…I wanted to get better acquainted with Galu, and now that I have, I find it hard to believe that these are the same people […]
FOA FOA’S “Mental Plague” Is Voted Off Samoa Island I was really looking forward to blogging about fresh personalities and a different perspective this week, but for a 3rd time, Foa Foa fails to win […]
Hoop Battles, Cheap Shots, Swamp Wading, and History In The Making Episode 2 was well worth the wait. Schmergenbrawl, the reward/immunity challenge, was what I would describe as a cross between mud wrestling, football, and […]
The jury is still out on whether there is indeed a “Puppet Master” among this season’s castaways…but there is definitely a snake, and he wasted no time in rearing his ugly head. That would be […]
Russell H. has been dubbed “The Most Evil Castaway” in Survivor history…He says, “Just call me the Puppet Master.” Apparently he has formed an alliance with three young ladies who he affectionately (sarcasm) calls his “Dumb Girl Alliance”…He actually refers to them as the “dumb short haired blond, an even dumber long haired blond, and a dark hair girl.” Is Russell H. truly a Beast and king of the jungle? Or will the three Beauties have him eating out of the palm of their hands? Who is really pulling the strings in this puppet show? […]
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