Survivor Samoa Episode 13: MORE SPOILERS

Thanks to TDT and Survivor Fever for the following reward information and pictures.

The reward challenge for this Survivor Samoa episode is called coconut nets.  The contestants are split into two teams of three.  The yellow team is Brett, Mick and Natalie and the purple team is Russell, Sham and Jaison.  It looks like each team takes turns pulling a rope out of a configuration that is holding up a load of coconuts.  When the remaining ropes can no longer support the coconuts, they begin to fall down.

episode 14 rewardepisode 14 reward 2





episode 14 reward 3

Russell is concentrating hard here trying to figure out which rope to untie.  The winners of this challenge was previously thought to be Brett, Mick and Nat but now it looks like the winners are the purple team who will go on an overnight adventure to possibly either Sua Ocean Trench or swimming with the sea turtles at Satoalepai Wetlands.  Wherever they go, it leaves the other team to stay behind and plot.  Perhaps Russell will have to play the last immunity idol Thursday night.  There is no specualtion on the Immunity Challenge for this episode but I will share it if it becomes available, but we do know Brett wins leaving Sham to get the boot.  Hopefully she won’t go down without a fight!  Will Mick and Nat turn on Russ in favor of Brett and force him to play the idol and who will Sham go after in order to save herself?


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