METHADONE or Show of Choice???

Hey ya’ll!  Well, well, well…  Here we are and it is time for Survivor’s NINETEENTH season! W..O..W!!  I have watched Survivor’s every season since Season 1 (Borneo- it was renamed when it became apparent that there would be more and more seasons).  I can remember rushing home from pee wee league football practice so we wouldn’t miss it.  (Both my boys are now in college-lol).  This is the Mack Daddy of all Reality Shows. The King.. Deserving of the Utmost Respect for all Reality Show buffs..

I love Survivor. … I do… For me, though, Survivor is methadone…  I am crashing down HARD off my Big Brother addiction.  I need some relief.  What about you guys??? IS Survivor Methadone for you??  Or is it actually your “Drug/ Show” of choice???  LOL!!! 

  Survivor is an amazing show, I just wish that it was possible for it to air more than once a week, and most importantly, I wish we could see the behind the scenes to get the true dope.. (Do you see that I am going with several drug metaphors here.. that is how that dang Big Brother affects me..LOL).  One big difference, of course,  is that as of this article,  Survivor Samoa is over and they are already filming Survivor 20- All Stars.  That bugs me a little, while at the same time, I REALLY admire that for 9 years, word has NEVER leaked out on the winner.

Even though I have watched all nineteen seasons of Survivor, I do not feel like I know it personally like I did BB. Because of the live feeds, and Showtime’s BBAD.  I spent WAAYYYY too much of my actual life living in that house, (at least in my head)  Who is doing what to whom and taking it very personally..  Survivor does not make me feel quite that way.  I cannot get nearly as invested mainly because I have no idea if what I am seeing on the show is the actual reality of the situation in the camps.  Editing, as we BB fans can attest, can REALLY skew the truth of the matter.  In any case, since we have no choice.. All we can do is go with what we see..

So.. I have not blogged before, because I was finishing up with my other love (sniff), and then i wanted to do my homework.  I am QUITE sure that no matter what kind of “read” any of us think we have on these people.. We will end up eating our words.  But.. from all the intel I could come up with at this outset, here is what I see so far…..

Survivor Samoa looks to be at a particularly beautiful locale.  I hear tell the tribes will split into two nearby beaches, but out of contact with each other of course.  I have heard it rumored that the buffs will be yellow and purple.  Apparently they liked the locale so much they are filming the ALL-Stars in the same place, just slightly different beaches.    AS with all Survivor locales, it is rife with all kinds of creepy-crawlies, but this location has an abundance of natural food.  No one will starve.  Mother Nature took out her vengence on the Castaways, supposedly… So.. we will get to see this amazingly beautiful place on Thursday, and that is nice, its very nice, but in all reality (ha-pun), who gives a big ole rat’s butt about the scenery????  We are here for the ACTION!

I have done as much research as is possible on these people.  10 men and 10 Women.  As usal, for the most part, the cast was “recruited” instead of auditioning.  Several of the cast had never watched Survivor, and there are very few REAL fans among them.  I was at first completely blown away by the disparity between the “educated”-lawyers, doctor, rocket scientist etc…and “uneducated”  the hair dresser/bartender types.  It seems we have a big polarization in career choices and lifestyles with only a few in betweens-

STRICTLY (and you guys BETTER not make me eat these words later on, because I KNOW how wrong and asinine they may be after seeing the premiere for 10 minutes)  but STRICTLY from my research, Here is who I like as EARLY, VERY EARLY faves….

Mick— Doctor.  He seems to me to be the “Jeff” of this group, and a nice guy.

Marisa—Student- but has worked all over the world helping third world country people setting up water supplies, founding schools, etc..

Jaison— Lawyer- Wicked smart and seems pretty self effacing.

Betsy- Cop- Hey!  One of us older broads HAS to eventually made it past week three, right???

My faves to crash and burn early:

Russell H—He is being touted as the most evil HG ever, pouring out canteens and burning socks. In an open beach area with no walls and nine people watching you, how long could he possibly get away with this mess. He is gone very quickly. I hope not RIGHT away, though because Im ready to see a little conflict!

Dave—TOTAL male chauvinist.  This does not ever fly well on Survivor.

One of the interchangeable three blondes -Kelly, Ashley or.. (hopefully not  Natalie…..OWWWW…{cringe}……ok… I’m ok now, it was just the name…  She is from Arkansas!  GO HOGS!!!).                    One of them are not going to be able to hack the conditions, you know it’s true..

AND hmmm.. this is a tossup until Thursday night.   A tossup between Laura and Shannon or “Shambo” which she insists everyone call her on the island.. this is because…….an older broad ALWAYS gets taken out the first three weeks.

So.. here we go.. looking forward to being CASTAWAY with all of you.. Let’s hear from ya and lay your early predictions on me!


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